Paranormal were at the Sandwich Opera House in Sandwich IL USA Spectrewaves
were in the Auditorium on the Stage when they captured a Figure on our SLS
Kinect Device. Right After the capture we had our Vortex , which measures
Static Electricity, go off. Later we were able to engage something that was
continuing to interact with the Vortex. Spectrewaves believe it may be the
reported Little Girl.
Paranormal were at the Sandwich Opera House in Sandwich IL USA Spectrewaves
were in the Auditorium on the Stage when they captured a Figure on our SLS
Kinect Device. Right After the capture we had our Vortex , which measures
Static Electricity, go off. Later we were able to engage something that was
continuing to interact with the Vortex. Spectrewaves believe it may be the
reported Little Girl.
#paranormal #spirit #xbox #history #operahouse #spectrewaves #spectrewavesparanormal #spectrewaveschicago #spectrewavesllp #spectrewave #haunted #littlegirl #auditorium #stage #sandwhich #hauntedsandwhich #hauntedhouse #vortex #4d #3d #static #StaticElectricity #engage #SLS #Kinect #Device #SLSKinectDevice #SandwichOperaHouse #SandwichOpera #House #SandwichIL #capturedaFigure #interact #paranormalresponses #ghosthunt #ghosthunters #ghosting #ghostinvestigation #paranormalinvestigation #investigation #paranormalsandwhich #hauntedillinois #thesandwhichoperahouse #ghostresearcher #campfirestories #ghostshow#hauntedAuditorium #chicago #figure #film #scary #paranormalequipment #paranormalgadgets #gadgets #xboxone #xbox #hauntedstage #crawling #evidence #paranormalevidence #unknown #proof #dimensions #parallel #littlegirl #ghostgirl # #haunting #DEkalb #dekalbcounty