Monday, September 23, 2019

Spectrewaves Paranormal at The Old Historical Sandwhich Opera House in Sandwhich illinois USA on a Paranormal Investigation interaction with Little Girl thru Vortex while capturing a figure

Paranormal were at the Sandwich Opera House in Sandwich IL USA Spectrewaves
were in the Auditorium on the Stage when they captured a Figure on our SLS
Kinect Device. Right After the capture we had our Vortex , which measures
Static Electricity, go off. Later we were able to engage something that was
continuing to interact with the Vortex. Spectrewaves believe it may be the
reported Little Girl.

#paranormal #spirit #xbox #history #operahouse #spectrewaves #spectrewavesparanormal #spectrewaveschicago #spectrewavesllp #spectrewave #haunted #littlegirl  #auditorium #stage #sandwhich #hauntedsandwhich #hauntedhouse #vortex #4d #3d #static #StaticElectricity  #engage #SLS  #Kinect #Device  #SLSKinectDevice #SandwichOperaHouse #SandwichOpera #House #SandwichIL #capturedaFigure #interact #paranormalresponses  #ghosthunt #ghosthunters #ghosting #ghostinvestigation #paranormalinvestigation #investigation #paranormalsandwhich #hauntedillinois #thesandwhichoperahouse #ghostresearcher #campfirestories  #ghostshow#hauntedAuditorium #chicago #figure #film #scary #paranormalequipment #paranormalgadgets #gadgets #xboxone #xbox #hauntedstage #crawling #evidence #paranormalevidence #unknown #proof #dimensions #parallel #littlegirl #ghostgirl # #haunting #DEkalb #dekalbcounty 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Spectrewaves Paranormal at The Histroical Sandwhich Opera House dekalb County Illinois Chats with Paranormal Little Girl with the Vortex

Paranormal were at the Sandwich Opera House in Sandwich IL USA Spectrewaves
were in the Auditorium on the Stage when they captured a Figure on our SLS
Kinect Device. Right After the capture we had our Vortex , which measures
Static Electricity, go off. Later we were able to engage something that was
continuing to interact with the Vortex. Spectrewaves believe it may be the
reported Little Girl.

#paranormal #spirit #xbox #history #operahouse #spectrewaves #spectrewavesparanormal #spectrewaveschicago #spectrewavesllp #spectrewave #haunted #littlegirl  #auditorium #stage #sandwhich #hauntedsandwhich #hauntedhouse #vortex #4d #3d #static #StaticElectricity  #engage #SLS  #Kinect #Device  #SLSKinectDevice #SandwichOperaHouse #SandwichOpera #House #SandwichIL #capturedaFigure #interact #paranormalresponses  #ghosthunt #ghosthunters #ghosting #ghostinvestigation #paranormalinvestigation #investigation #paranormalsandwhich #hauntedillinois #thesandwhichoperahouse #ghostresearcher #campfirestories  #ghostshow#hauntedAuditorium #chicago #figure #film #scary #paranormalequipment #paranormalgadgets #gadgets #xboxone #xbox #hauntedstage #crawling #evidence #paranormalevidence #unknown #proof #dimensions #parallel #littlegirl #ghostgirl # #haunting #DEkalb #dekalbcounty 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Spectrewaves Paranormal at Sandwhich Opera House Sandwhich illinois USA Haunted womens bathroom, old jail cells, High EMF Spike, Paranormal Figure Captures Xbox SLS Camera

Spectrewaves Paranormal were at the Sandwich Opera House in Sandwich, IL USA on a Paranormal Investigation in September 2019 While investigating the Old jail Cells, which are now the woman's bathroom, Spectrewaves Paranormal caught a paranormal figure on the Xbox SLS Camera Kinect and spectrewaves had high EMF spikes, We also caught one word on the Ovilus

Spectrewaves Paranormal

Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Paranormal Investigation Sandwhich Illinois USA

Paranormal investigators from Chicago Illinois USA

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Spectrewaves Paranormal Spring Lake Cemetery Aurora, Illinois USA spirit box session

Spectrewaves Paranormal were at the Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora, IL USA Spectrewaves conducted a Spirit Box Session with Dale and Len at the Foster Graves, where some communication has been reported. As it was starting to rain harder and steadier, we shortened our session, but Spectrewaves were still able to capture some intelligent responses.