Thursday, July 23, 2020
The Roff House Watseka, Illinois USA 2nd Floor Bedroom Kinect Paranormal Activity Paranormal Investigation performed by Spectrewaves Paranormal
The Roff House Watskea, Illinois USA 2nd Floor Bedroom Kinect Paranormal Activity Spectrewaves Paranormal Investigation
Paranormal Investigation At The Roff House in Watseka Illinois USA Spectrewaves Paranormal were in the 2nd Floor Bedroom when Spectrewaves caught a Paranormal Figure on the Kinect Lying on the bed. This happened just once during the investigation.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Monday, June 29, 2020
Spectrewaves captures Paranormal Kinect Figures Compilation at the Old Benton Jail, Fowler Indiana
Spectrewaves Paranormal was on a Paranromal Investigation in Fowler, Indiana USA at The Old Benton County Jail. During our Investigation at the Old Benton Jail, we captured many different Kinect figures on two different SLS 3D Mapping Cameras. We asked Dwight, who Manages the Fowler Investigations to help us. The results didn't disappoint. The Front of Building where these were captured was extremely active.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal at Old Benton Jail conducting a Paranormal Investigation Kinect Figure and knock in Evidence Room fowler Indiana USA
Spectrewaves Paranormal at Old Benton County Jail in Fowler Indiana USA captures Paranormal Kinect Figure and strange knock in Evidence Room
Spectrewaves Paranormal at Old Benton Jail in fowler Indiana USA conducting a Paranormal Investigation. Spectrewaves had just started the investigation at the old county jail in Indiana. Spectrewaves went to the evidence room, while still setting up Spectrewaves captured a Paranormal figure followed by two disembodied knocks and then activity on the Rempod (Rempod is a device you have to touch to go off, it is its own energy field for ghosts to manipulate, it also has lights and sounds to alert you when they are in the vicinity.) REM is an acronym for Radiating Electro-Magneticity.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
#spirits #spectrewavesllp #spiritcommunication #spectrewavesparanormal #spectrewaves #paranormal #fowler #indiana #fowlerjail #hauntedjail #oldbentonjail #fowlerindiana #rempod #haunted #hauntedindiana #kinect #shadowpeople #Afterlife #souls #Parapsychologists #metaphysics
Monday, June 22, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal at a county jail in Folwer Indiana USA called Old Benton Jail captures Paranormal Kinect Figures caught in the basement of Old Benton Jail Folwer Indiana USA
Spectrewaves Paranormal were conducting a Paranormal investigating in the basement of the Old Benton Jail in Folwer Indiana USA when we caught one Paranormal figure on the SLS Kinect (3D Mapping Camera). Then it was joined by another smaller Paranormal Kinect figure. The Larger Figure began to move and Spectrewaves followed it's path with the Kinect, this movement follow has never occurred before on any Kinect device Spectrewaves have used.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo, Illinois USA Spectrewaves Paranormal on a Paranormal Investigation Spirit of a Child Interaction
Spectrewaves Paranormal were setting up in the Dining room at the Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo, Illinois USA on a Paranormal Investigation when
Spectrewaves Paranormal started to get Interactions, There are reports of a little girls spirit that has been seen on the grounds. As we talked to her the interactions intensified.
Spectrewaves Paranormal at The Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo Illinois USA Spectrewaves Captures Spirit Box responses, Shadow figure and Rem Pod Activity
Spectrewaves Paranormal were investigating The Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo Illinois USA In the First Floor Bedroom Spectrewaves Paranormal captured intelligent responses on the Spirit box, a figure on the Kinect, a shadow figure as well as what seemed to be a residual interaction on the Rem pod.
Spectrewaves was told later the name that was mention on the spirit box was the owners grandmother who lived at the Cambre house she painted flowers on the floor in the bedroom she passed away just five years ago
Spectrewaves Paranormal at The Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo Illinois USA Spectrewaves Captures Spirit Box responses, Shadow figure and Rem Pod Activity
Spectrewaves Paranormal were investigating The Cambre House and Farm in Nauvoo Illinois USA In the First Floor Bedroom Spectrewaves Paranormal captured intelligent responses on the Spirit box, a figure on the Kinect, a shadow figure as well as what seemed to be a residual interaction on the Rem pod.
Spectrewaves was told later the name that was mention on the spirit box was the owners grandmother who lived at the Cambre house she painted flowers on the floor in the bedroom she passed away just five years ago
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Que4 Radio Chicago Interview of Spectrewaves
Spectrewaves Paranormal Originally Broadcast on 2-8-20 Live on Que4 Radio Chicago Spectrewaves were interviewed by DK Prince on the Magick Radio Show 1680 am Spectrewaves discusses their origins and some of their more memorable evidence captured while investigating the paranormal.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal will be on the Radio with Beyond Reality Radio Wedensday 2-5-2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal will be on the Radio with Beyond Reality Radio Wedensday 2-5-2020
This Wedensday Live on
Beyond Reality Radio
Wednesday Feb 5, 2020 at 10:00 P.M.
Available on your favorite PodCast Source or live on YouTube
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Also, Listen Live
Johnson's Beyond Paranormal" on YouTube
To view more Spectrewaves Paranormal Evidence Watch Spectrewaves" on YouTube
This Wedensday Live on
Beyond Reality Radio
Wednesday Feb 5, 2020 at 10:00 P.M.
Available on your favorite PodCast Source or live on YouTube
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Also, Listen Live
Johnson's Beyond Paranormal" on YouTube
To view more Spectrewaves Paranormal Evidence Watch Spectrewaves" on YouTube
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal Intense Kinect Activity in Kankakee, Illinois USA Home
Spectrewaves Paranormal were in the Master Bedroom, of the Kankakee Home, conducting a paranormal investigation in a private residence home in Kankakee, Illinois USA. Which was the most active places in the house. The home owners reported that this is where they experienced the most activity. They were right, not only was our Ovilus constantly going off, our Kinect picked up numerous figures while in the Bedroom. This was one of the more intense Kinect activity we have experienced.
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
To view more of Spectrewaves Paranormal Evidence from the Private Residence home in Kankakee, Illinois USA view Spectrewaves YouTube Channel: Spectrewaves Spectrewaves
URL Link
Saturday, February 1, 2020
pectrewaves Paranormal were on a Private Paranormal Investigation at a Private Residence home in Kankakee Illinois USA
Spectrewaves Paranormal were on a Private Paranormal Investigation at a Private Residence home in Kankakee Illinois USA
Thanks Everyone!!!
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Spectrewaves Paranormal in Kankakee, Illinois USA conducting a Paranormal Investigation gets Unsual Paranormal Evidence
Spectrewaves Paranormal has Paranormal White Mist appear on his vest in Kankakee, Illinois USA conducting a Paranormal Investigation gets Unsual Paranormal Evidence
On Spectrewaves LLP's profile · Remove
Spectrewaves Paranormal in Kankakee, Illinois USA conducting a Paranormal Investigation gets Unsual Paranormal Evidence
After reviewing Spectrewaves photos from the Kankakee, Illlinois Paranormal Investigation we notice another white misty streak on Spectrewaves Vest. As your looking at the photo the top left shows the mist on Spectrewaves vest. The top right is normal and the bottom middle photo has a circle around the Paranormal White Mist on Spectrewaves Vest. The bottom left and right are normal For more paranormal evidence from the Private home Residence Paranormal Investigation go to our Youtube Channel
Spectrewaves Spectrewaves
or URL Link below channel/ UCVOpVJVWo0A9IkLR9WPcFAQ?vi ew_as=subscriber
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Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
After reviewing Spectrewaves photos from the Kankakee, Illlinois Paranormal Investigation we notice another white misty streak on Spectrewaves Vest. As your looking at the photo the top left shows the mist on Spectrewaves vest. The top right is normal and the bottom middle photo has a circle around the Paranormal White Mist on Spectrewaves Vest. The bottom left and right are normal For more paranormal evidence from the Private home Residence Paranormal Investigation go to our Youtube Channel
Spectrewaves Spectrewaves
or URL Link below
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Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Spectrewaves Paranormal photo Misty White Streak on leg at a Private Residence home in Kankakee, Illinois USA during a Paranormal Investigation
Spectrewaves Paranormal on a Paranormal Investigation at a Private Residences home in Kankakee, Illinois USA
After reviewing our photos Spectrewaves notice a misty white paranormal streak on her left leg.
As your looking at the photo the left shows the misty white paranormal streak circled the middle photo is normal and the photo on the right shows the paranormal mist
for more paranormal evidence go to our Youtube Channel
Spectrewaves Spectrewaves
or URL Link below
Please Subscribe and Share Paranormal evidence with everyone
Thanks Everyone!!!
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
After reviewing our photos Spectrewaves notice a misty white paranormal streak on her left leg.
As your looking at the photo the left shows the misty white paranormal streak circled the middle photo is normal and the photo on the right shows the paranormal mist
for more paranormal evidence go to our Youtube Channel
Spectrewaves Spectrewaves
or URL Link below
Please Subscribe and Share Paranormal evidence with everyone
Thanks Everyone!!!
Spectrewaves Paranormal
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal Overwhelming Ovilus Activity during a Private Paranormal Investigation at a Kankake, Illinois USA.
Spectrewaves Paranormal were just getting set up on the second floor at the Kankakee Illinois USA Private home, to conduct a Private Paranormal Investigation when our Ovilus device started communicating and it didn't stop. Only in that Bedroom did we receive all this communication from the Ovilus during the entire investigation. Check out all the words it captured shown at the end of the video!
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Spectrewaves Paranormal Investigation Kankakee Private Investigation Clowers ITC Ghost Box Interaction
Spectrewaves Paranormal Private Residence Paranormal Investigation
Spectrewaves Paranormal were at a private residence home in Kankakee IL USA Spectrewaves conducted a Ghost Box Session using their new Clowers ITC Ghost Box. During Spectrewaves Paranormal session encountered two main voices, a man and a woman. Spectrewaves Paranormal received intelligent responses to many of questions.
Spectrewaves ParanormalUnusual XCAM Activity captured at a Kankakee Home
Spectrewaves Paranormal Private residence home paranormal Investigation in a home in Kankakee Illinois USA
Spectrewaves Paranormal on a Private Paranormal Investigation
Private Residents Home in Kankakee, Illinois USA Our Poltertune Music Box kept going off as we captured figures on our XCAM. One figure was disassembled then reassembled into a person, never have we seen anything like it !
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Mcpike Mansion 2018 Paranormal multiple device interaction Spectrewaves ...
Spectrewaves Paranormal was conducting a paranormal investigation at Mc Pike Mansion in Alton Illinois USA While Spectrewaves paranormal were still setting up for the Paranormal Investigation Spectrewaves encountered multiple devices being affected, Rem pod going off, temp detection alarm a cell phone taking pictures and video by itself.
Spectrewaves Ovilus stopped working and they were unable to get it turned back on
Spectrewavesllp Paranormal
Spectrewaves Paranoramal
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